Grotta di San Michele on Mount Tancia

I recently came across a treasure trove of promotional videos for the Sabine Hills, made by Viaggio in Sabina. Some really well made, (and subtitled in English!) videos showcasing the region, its sights, festivals and food. I’m going to be featuring some of them over the following weeks, and I thought I’d start with a place very close to Villa degli Armeni, and close to my heart too! The Grotta di San Michele on Mount Tancia.

Once sacred to the Sabine goddess of forests and crops, Vacuna, it was rededicated in medieval times to Saint Michael. Surrounded by legend, it’s still an evocative an mysterious place to visit.

From Villa degli Armeni just head straight up the mountain. After a pleasant 10 minute drive through the forest you come to a tiny bridge: park up and head up the path to the left. Follow the signs and you’ll reach the Grotta in about 20 minutes.

Villa degli Armeni – private rental villa near Rome
